Being fashionable does not always mean being fashionable . You do not always need to keep track of what the latest fashion is and follow it. Moreover , not all fashion trends all tastes. There are those which are designed for certain types of body sizes and even skin color. Put on something that is unflattering is something you definitely want to avoid. There are just people who are forcing some trends in their eyes , without even realizing it makes them almost laughable outfit .
You do not have to follow the latest trends just to show you the style . You can certainly develop your own personal style. Here's how :
Celebrate your body - and celebrate here means not being ashamed to show what kind of body you have. The models that are almost skin and bones are not exactly , well, the models you should follow when it comes to having a perfect body. This perception archetype is what drives many women to plant - food and go to extremes just to get a reed thin body. Be proud of your body and make your own art canvas.
Choose your colors - Having your personal color palette is part of what defines your fashion sense . To determine the correct color or combination of colors for you, you must consider your hair , skin , and even your eye color . Use your color palette as a guide when shopping for clothes so that you can choose pieces that will really look good on you .
Choose a brand of style - you do not have to (in fact, for your own good , you should not ) look like all the other women who are fashionable . Choose something that you can wear regularly that you can easily identify you . Whatever style you are comfortable with , including the accessories that go with it, can easily be your brand, something you can do without even trying. In other words , as the famous phrase goes, "Be yourself. "
Choose a style icon - If you do not know exactly which model to put on, for starters, you can try to emulate the style of a celebrity who has the same body type as yours. If everything she wears is something you like, then go for his style. However, you do not get exactly the same clothes she wears. You 're just his style as a starting point for your own . You will develop your own style over time.
Learn how to mix and match - You do not need to break the bank to be in style. Find time to rummage through your closet and look for old and unused pieces and see if you can match them with the latest pieces in your wardrobe. As fashion trends come and go, and return back, you can have some pieces in your closet that have been given new life again , thanks to some famous people who make fashion again. Be alert and accessories that are just collecting dust in your closet or drawers and try matching your new outfits . Mixing old and new can be simply eureka moment you want in terms of coming up with your own style.

Celebrate your body - and celebrate here means not being ashamed to show what kind of body you have. The models that are almost skin and bones are not exactly , well, the models you should follow when it comes to having a perfect body. This perception archetype is what drives many women to plant - food and go to extremes just to get a reed thin body. Be proud of your body and make your own art canvas.
Choose your colors - Having your personal color palette is part of what defines your fashion sense . To determine the correct color or combination of colors for you, you must consider your hair , skin , and even your eye color . Use your color palette as a guide when shopping for clothes so that you can choose pieces that will really look good on you .
Choose a brand of style - you do not have to (in fact, for your own good , you should not ) look like all the other women who are fashionable . Choose something that you can wear regularly that you can easily identify you . Whatever style you are comfortable with , including the accessories that go with it, can easily be your brand, something you can do without even trying. In other words , as the famous phrase goes, "Be yourself. "
Choose a style icon - If you do not know exactly which model to put on, for starters, you can try to emulate the style of a celebrity who has the same body type as yours. If everything she wears is something you like, then go for his style. However, you do not get exactly the same clothes she wears. You 're just his style as a starting point for your own . You will develop your own style over time.
Learn how to mix and match - You do not need to break the bank to be in style. Find time to rummage through your closet and look for old and unused pieces and see if you can match them with the latest pieces in your wardrobe. As fashion trends come and go, and return back, you can have some pieces in your closet that have been given new life again , thanks to some famous people who make fashion again. Be alert and accessories that are just collecting dust in your closet or drawers and try matching your new outfits . Mixing old and new can be simply eureka moment you want in terms of coming up with your own style.
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